General Assembley
The General Assembley is the supreme body of BACR. It consists of all BACR members.
The main functions of the General Assembley are:
- to amend and supplement the Statute
- to adopt other internal acts, including an Ethical Code of BACR as proposed by the Management Board
- to elect and release the president and the members of the Management Board
- to make decisions to establish or close branches
- to make decisions for the participation in other organisations
- to make decisions for the restructuring or termination of BACR
- to adopt the main guidances and a program for the activity of BARC
- to approve the budget of BACR
- to make decions about the need of property contributions
- to approve the activity report of BACR
- to cancel decisions of other bodies of BACR, which are contrary to the law, the Statute or other internal acts, regulating BACR’s activity